Our Team

The Cultural Intelligence Center is a growing, innovative training and consulting company that is changing the way individuals and organizations are approaching diverseness and global engagement.

Who We Are

Based on nearly two decades of research, our mission is to build bridges and remove barriers for working and relating across cultures. We’re headquartered in Michigan but our team works across the globe.

The work of the Cultural Intelligence Center is supported by dozens of team members and partners around the world including trainers, consultants, researchers, etc. A few key individuals you may interact with as part of our team are listed below.

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The CQ Team Manual

Now, more than ever, companies have teams that face challenges due to being multicultural or multigenerational. Teams with Cultural Intelligence can work past these differences and thrive.

We have gathered a collection of Cultural Intelligence team pieces written by social scientist, speaker, author, and CQC co-founder Dr. David Livermore. This manual will help you and your team start their CQ journeys.

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